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Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

The iconic Newbold Brick Company Ltd chimney built as a flue chimney for the Hoffmann 22 Chamber kilns c.1933.

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Example of a Newbold pressed brick.

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Robert Stewart with an apprentice teaching him the art of pipe finishing.

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Newbold Brick & Pipe Works

Date of photograph not known but was probably taken in the 1950's after ceramic pipe making had become established on the site. All the round kilns shown in the photograph and the two 22 chamber elliptical kilns adjacent to the tall chimney are continuous burning Hoffmann type kilns. The letter "W" indicates the site of the old Worthington colliery buildings which closed in 1919

Lount Pipe Works

Lount Pipe Works

This is an extract from an aerial photograph taken in 1948 showing the geographical relationship of Lount Pipe Works to the hamlet of Lount and Coleorton Pottery which closed as a pottery in 1938. In the top LH corner, Coleorton Pottery is shown to the south of the Ashby to Breedon road with the hamlet of Lount on the north side. In the bottom RH corner is the site of Lount Pipe Works which had closed as a manufactory thirteen years earlier.

Bauble Manufacturing

Bauble Manufacturing

Joseph Ashton was a Bauble Manufacturer in Peggs Green & Whitwick. He is seen here selling his wares at Weston Super Mare between 1875 & 1880. (by kind permission of Leicester Museum)

Bauble Manufacturing

Bauble Manufacturing

Castellated Watch Stand kept in Leicester Museum, made at Coleorton A local area industry which endured until the end of the 19th century was the making of ornaments out of various kinds out of Derbyshire Spar, a marble-like gypsum which was found at Chellaston, near Derby, some ten miles away.

Griffydam Brickworks

Griffydam Brickworks

This 2020 photograph shows the remains of an updraft “Scotch Kiln” which still exists on the site of the former Brickworks on Breedon Brand.

Griffydam Brickworks

Griffydam Brickworks

An impressed brick made when Henry Toon leased the Griffydam Brickworks

Peggs Green Brickworks

Peggs Green Brickworks

Intermittent burning down draft kiln as used at the California Brick works at Peggs Green.

Coleorton Pottery

Coleorton Pottery

Coleorton Pottery with it’s two kilns is on the left, the Hamlet of Lount in the centre and the Ferrers Arms on the right of the photograph

Coleorton Pottery

Coleorton Pottery

Staff at Coleorton Pottery (The Trivett Pottery Company Ltd c. 1912) A - Samuel Stewart Senior, 1854-1932 B - James Stewart 1878-1964 C - Samuel Stewart Junior, 1879-1955 F - Thought to be Mr. William Oram Trivett

Coleorton Pottery

Coleorton Pottery

An internal picture of Coleorton Pottery c.1930

Lount Trivett Pottery Company

Lount Trivett Pottery Company

Clay for the manufacture of pottery wares was obtained from a clay pit / quarry, situated about half a mile from the hamlet of Lount in the area opposite Lount Wood. In the clay pit, which was worked there five distinct kinds of clay, as well as a seam of coal, commonly known as the Lount 4 foot seam.The photograph was taken about 1915 opposite the area known as Lount Wood

Griffydam Pottery

Griffydam Pottery

Griffydam Brick, Patent Interlocking House Tile & Earthenware Works Remnants of pottery found on the site

Griffydam Pottery

Griffydam Pottery

Griffydam Brick, Patent Interlocking House Tile & Earthenware Works Remnants of pottery found on the site

Clay Pipe Making

Clay Pipe Making

Post 1700 Clay Pipes found in a garden on Elder Lane, Griffydam

The Mill House

The Mill House

Worthington's Water Driven Corn Mill The earliest reference found to the corn mill is given in John Nichol's History and Antiquities of Leicestershire, written c.1800 where he states that "the Mill and the Brook which drives the Water Wheel is in the possession of Lord Ferrers".

Coal Distillation

Coal Distillation

1934 photograph of the Coal Distillation plant in Newbold which opened in 1928.

Iron Ore Mining And Smelting  At Staunton Harold

Iron Ore Mining And Smelting At Staunton Harold

Remnants of the furnace or hammer pond sluice gate walls at Staunton Harold.

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning kiln at Cloud Hill quarry

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

Cloud Hill quarry taken in 1936. The two large round Lime Burning kilns are marked A, both of which had to cool down before the burnt lime could be raked out and loaded into waggons. The Sercombe continuous burning multi-chamber kiln is marked B. This was in operation at this time as the chimney can be seen smoking

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

Recharging the Sercombe kiln at Cloud Hill with limestone

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

The Cloud Hill workforce c.1928. Sitting with hands on his knees centre front is Jim Barber, the foreman. Three places to the left, also with his hands on his knees, is Arthur Hindsley, the blacksmith at Cloud Hill and standing on the right in the back row is Josiah Weston, who looked after the Sercombe’s lime kiln.

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

Lawrence Kinsey with his “osses” at Cloud Hill in summer 1947

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

The above photograph was taken in 1885 and shows the branch line of the Derby to Ashby Midland Railway entering the Cloud Hill Quarry and Lime Works

Limestone Burning

Limestone Burning

1946 aerial photograph taken prior to Lime Burning at Cloud Hill quarry coming to an end shortly after the second world war – Breedon Quarry is marked A in the distance

Nail Shop and Forge

Nail Shop and Forge

Charlie Marson’s old Nail Shop and Forge building in The Woolroms, Coleorton

Elverston Yard

Elverston Yard

An old engraving of Elvaston Yard, Stoney Lane, Coleorton. The manufacture of many different light industry products were made in Elverston Yard such as Whetstone / Oil Stones, Nails, Baubles, Hats and a range of knitted textiles

Blacksmith's Shop Swannington

Blacksmith's Shop Swannington

The Blacksmith’s Shop in Swannington was situated to the east of Swannington Island, on the opposite side to St. George’s Church. Reputedly built in the 1700’s, the original “Smithy” served the local area for a couple of centuries until it was demolished for a road widening scheme.

Blacksmith's Shop Swannington

Blacksmith's Shop Swannington

Mr. Edgar Mee was the blacksmith and can be seen at work in the photograph. The Mee family, including Edgar, his father and grandfather had operated the shop for over a century (from c.1850)

Blacksmith's Shop Griffydam

Blacksmith's Shop Griffydam

The Blacksmith’s Shop in Griffydam was located on Rempstone Rd and adjacent to Rose Cottage shown in the photograph. In 1855 Joseph Mee was a Blacksmith at Griffydam and the grandfather of Edgar Mee who ran the Blacksmith’s Shop at Swannington in the 1950s

Famework Knitting

Famework Knitting

William Wale started his own hosiery cottage industry in Griffydam, and in 1851 he is described as a Stocking-maker, cotton and thread. This would have meant a framework knitter.

Coal Mining In The Local Area

Coal Mining In The Local Area

Membership token for the local Coalville & District Miners Association Coleorton Colliery

Coleorton No.3 Colliery

Coleorton No.3 Colliery

Early 1900s photograph of the Coleorton No.3 Colliery 1875–1933. Known locally as the 'Bug & Wink'

Coleorton No.3 Colliery

Coleorton No.3 Colliery

Coleorton No.3 Colliery (Bug & Wink) rescue team in 1913

Colerton Colliery

Colerton Colliery

A Coleorton Colliery Tally or Check

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Lady Renee Beaumont turning the first sod on land at Newbold for the New Lount Colliery.

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Sir George Beaumont holding the silver spade whilst onlookers read the inscription recording the event

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

The sinking of New Lount colliery in progress in 1924

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Photograph probably taken c.1930, based on the size of the Spoil Heap

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Photograph taken from pit yard showing head stocks, coal wagons and pit banks (spoil heaps). In the distance is the conveyor system which took the coal from all the seams to the screens.Photograph early 1960’s

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Pit Head Baths Check pre 1947

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Pay Check

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

“Mighty” Jim (Jack) Wardle with his son Willie, manually drilling holes in the coal face for explosives

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

A New Lount private owner wagon delivered by the Central wagon Company” of Wigan in 1939

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Arthur Conkay operating the Collins Miner in 1965 in a 4ft 6in seam

New Lount Colliery

New Lount Colliery

Underground at New Lount from L to R: M.Richards, A. Conkay, T. Ralph, A. Sykes, P. Matchett. Photograph taken 1965

New Lount Colliery Canteen

New Lount Colliery Canteen

New Lount Colliery Canteen

New Lount Colliery Canteen

New Lount Colliery Baths

New Lount Colliery Baths

The above is an actual photograph taken in New Lount Colliery baths in 1943. It is taken from Jeremy Paxton's book entitled "Black Gold" (copyright of photograph is owned by the originator)

John Edward Williams

John Edward Williams

Of Gelsmoor Tragically the first fatality at New Lount Colliery 1925

New Lount Colliery Man Rider

New Lount Colliery Man Rider

Men at New Lount Colliery boarding the 'Man Rider' at the pit bottom for the underground ride to their workings. The person on the far right front is Peter Wilton

© Samuel T Stewart 2019

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